How to Sign Up for the 2024 UCAT ANZ

The UCAT ANZ 2024 registration and booking period is currently open!
Testing for UCAT ANZ 2024 will take place from July 1 to August 9, 2024. To guarantee that you have a place, time, and date that work for you, we do, however, highly advise registering and making your UCAT test reservations as soon as possible. It is likely that you will have to take the UCAT on an inconvenient day, at an inconvenient time, or at an inconvenient place if you wait to register and book your exam.
What date should I select for my UCAT ANZ 2024 test?
When selecting a testing date for the UCAT ANZ 2024, there are a several things to take into account:
We advise selecting a testing day that is as early in the UCAT testing cycle as feasible. This is due to the fact that some UCAT applicants schedule a late test each year and run into difficulties when they become sick or have other challenges that keep them from taking the exam within that testing window. Later in the UCAT exam timeframe, fewer testing sessions are available. If anything unforeseen comes up, you may reschedule your UCAT exam day with ease if you reserve an earlier UCAT testing date.
It is important to remember that the first part of July marks academic vacations in New Zealand and school holidays in Australia. Since you won’t be as occupied with other academic obligations, we advise you to take the UCAT during this period. Taking the UCAT during a vacation from school or university will also allow you to better control your tension and prepare for the day of the test.
How can I sign up for the 2024 UCAT ANZ?
To register and schedule a test, you must follow a two-step procedure using the Pearson VUE online registration system.
Step 1: Registering for an Online Account
You cannot schedule a UCAT test unless you have registered for a Pearson VUE online account. It is your responsibility to register for UCAT on your own; your school cannot do this for you. Multiple accounts are not allowed, therefore you should only create one.
Your legal name must be registered precisely as it appears on the picture ID you want to bring to the UCAT testing location. You will not be permitted to take your UCAT test if there is not an exact match.
At, you may register for the UCAT.
Request access arrangements.
When taking the UCAT ANZ, certain applicants could be eligible for access agreements, or exceptional conditions.
Applicants for access arrangements may be those with particular educational requirements, impairments, or medical issues that often qualify them for extra time or accommodations during tests.
Fill out the application form and upload your supporting documentation at to apply for UCAT ANZ Access Arrangements.
Keep in mind that before your exam can be scheduled, you must apply for and be granted access arrangements.
Step 2: Schedule a UCAT Exam
You will get an email verifying the creation of your UCAT account after registering. The username you created will also be in the email. After that, you may schedule your UCAT test by logging into your Pearson VUE account.
You have the option to select the UCAT testing location. UCAT ANZ is administered in Pearson VUE testing centers located in Australia and New Zealand. There are several exam centers located abroad. A listing of UCAT testing sites may be found at
The following are significant dates for UCAT bookings:
- Date of booking: March 5, 2024
- Reservations end on May 17, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. AEST.
- LATE booking deadline: 11:59 p.m. AEST on May 31, 2024. Bookings for UCATs made after the deadline will incur an extra AUD $85.
The final late booking deadline for UCAT tests is June 5, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. AEST. After this date, no more reservations will be taken, under any circumstances. A final-minute late UCAT booking fee of AUD $185 is charged.
How can my UCAT test be rescheduled?
You must reschedule your UCAT test to a later time if you are unwell or experiencing other personal circumstances that prevent you from taking the test.
Through your Pearson VUE account, you can reschedule your test up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled time of your UCAT exam. Make sure you finish all the rescheduling procedures and that you get an email confirmation afterward.
You will have to reschedule your UCAT test session and pay the test cost again if you miss this deadline. It should be noted that during the final week of UCAT testing, there will be extremely restricted availability of test appointments and hours. If there are no open slots at your desired UCAT test site, you might occasionally have to go to another place.
The UCAT ANZ Test Centers Are Located Where?
Many test centers may be found in Australia and New Zealand’s larger cities. Canberra, Newcastle, Sydney, Darwin, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Townsville, Adelaide, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, and other cities in Australia are home to test centers, among others. Test centres are located in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill, New Plymouth, Tauranga, and Wellington in New Zealand.
Using the Test Center Locator is the most effective method to locate the closest center.
It is crucial to remember that testing locations may not always provide the UCAT, therefore you should confirm availability before attempting to reserve a certain day. We hope you have already completed your UCAT practice test. Best of luck!
How will my UCAT test be paid for?
When making a reservation for UCAT, you must pay the registration cost online with a major credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Visa debit card).
How can I find out if my reservation was accepted?
Once your booking is finalized, Pearson VUE will send you an email confirming it. Please be sure to check your registered email address’s junk/spam folders as it could have been misdirected there. You should get in touch with Pearson VUE Customer Services if it hasn’t arrived. If your booking was successful, you will also receive your confirmed appointment details in your Pearson VUE account.
Does taking the test imply that I’ve submitted an application to enter a university?
No. There is a distinct application process for admission to any of the institutions in the UCAT ANZ Consortium.
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